6 Tips for Looking After a New Carpet

A new carpet is a perfect addition to a room, as it provides warmth, style, and most of all, comfort. Without the proper care, though, your luscious new carpet could turn tired rather quickly. To make sure that doesn’t happen, here are six tips for looking after your brand new carpet.


1: Vacuum Regularly

The first responsibility is vacuuming the carpet regularly. The amount depends on where the carpet is, how much foot traffic there is, and whether you have any pets. To make the process even easier, you could even invest in a robot vacuum to do the bulk of the work for you! That way, your carpets will stay clear of dust and dirt.


2: No Shoes Inside

Some people have strict rules about shoes inside the home, while others are a little more lenient. If you are the latter, consider rethinking your house rules. While it might not seem like a big deal walking inside your home in shoes after popping to the shop, it could be doing your carpet a great deal of damage. Invest in a doormat to help clear your shoes of dirt before stepping inside, and then take your shoes off as soon as possible to help keep your new carpet looking fresh for longer.


3: Clean Your Pets

If you have pets, especially fluffy ones, then your home is likely affected by them. While they brighten up the room, they also tend to leave hairs and dirt around the place, particularly if you fail to clean them often enough. To protect your carpets (and the rest of your home) ensure your pets are as clean as possible at all times. If you’re in a rush, a quick brush is better than nothing!


4: Get a Quality Carpet Cleaner

The carpet cleaner you buy will have a big impact on how well the carpet stays clean, so do plenty of research before buying. Some people even swear by homemade cleaners. Once you have a quality carpet cleaner, be sure to use it regularly, and especially when there is visible dirt.


5: Tend to Spills Immediately

Spills happen. While you should do your best to avoid spilling drinks and food on the carpet, you can’t always avoid such things happening. To ensure the least amount of damage is done, be sure to tend to spills immediately. The sooner you act, the more chance you’ll be able to completely clean the area.


6: Use Area Rugs

Some areas in the home have a lot more foot traffic than others, such as the stairs, outside bedrooms, and the hallways. If your new carpet is in any of these spots, consider using area rugs to protect them. Not only will it help your carpet last longer, but if you choose the right rug, it’ll add a great deal of style.


Our excellent carpets at aflooringboutique.co.uk provide your home with comfort and luxury. By shopping with us and using these six cleaning tips, you will enjoy your beautiful carpet for a long time.