How to create the perfect home office

With an increasing number of companies now deciding to allow their staff the permanent option to work remotely some or even all of the time, having a productive and inspiring home office is more important than ever. So if you have a room in your house that you’re thinking of converting into a workspace, here’s some advice on how to create an office that inspires creativity and productivity.



When it comes to decorating a home office, it’s important to get the basics right. For example, it’s a good idea to choose a colour scheme that is both calming and inspiring – blues and greens are fantastic choices because they tend to evoke a sense of focus, whereas grey can be dull and demotivating. Then, there are decorative extras to consider that will take your home office to the next level. Houseplants are a great choice because they not only help to purify the air but they can also boost mood, productivity, and creativity. In addition, you might like to add some inspiring artwork or photographs to the wall or bring in a coffee machine for that much-needed caffeine boost!



You want good quality flooring that exudes professionalism to get you in the right frame of mind for working when you enter the room. Our wooden floor specialists in Balham can help you to find the ideal style for your space and needs. The great thing about getting wooden flooring is that you can layer up rugs to add a cosy vibe to the room, matching the colour scheme you selected in the step above.



Now it’s time to fill your office space with some furniture. The most obvious items you’ll need are a desk and chair, and it’s important to take ergonomics into account when choosing these. Good back support and the ability to adjust aspects such as height and the position of the armrests are key in an office chair, and you might even want to think about getting an adjustable desk; this enables you to stand for part of the day.


The positioning of your laptop or desktop computer is also vital for maintaining good posture when working, so be sure to find a detailed guide online to follow. When picking a desk, check that you have enough room for all the electronics, documents, stationery, and other items you need. A cluttered space can induce feelings of stress, so also consider whether you need any storage space such as drawers or pen holders.



Lighting is a key consideration for a home office, but one that is all too often overlooked. Natural light is best if possible. However, be sure not to position your desk in such a way that the sun shines directly on your computer screen, as this can cause glare and eye strain. The same goes for artificial light sources. Having an adjustable desk lamp can be helpful for directing light precisely where you need it and ensuring that you don’t struggle to read paper documents. If you have a habit of working on your computer late at night, you may also want to consider getting a pair of blue light-blocking glasses in order to minimise the potential impact it has on your sleep.