Which Subtle Details Make a Home More Elegant?

Elegance is a relatively subjective term. For some people, elegance conjures up images of traditional countryside estates or wealthy elites in extravagant clothing. However, elegance can also be a sleek and well-designed room with contemporary features and a focus on comfort. Since elegance doesn’t need to distract from other more unique interior styles such as industrial chic or maximalist, anyone can make their home more elegant simply by paying attention to a few subtle details.

Small Functional Parts

This broad name covers pieces you find within your home that are all necessary but don’t always have the best appearance. These could include light switches, wall sockets, handles, and even door stoppers that are attached to the wall. Many people accept whatever their home has when they move in when it comes to these small features, but taking the time to find stylish replacements can be surprisingly effective in elevating the elegance of a space. You can make a space appear more deliberate and styled by simply replacing your existing door handles with something that compliments your taste and furniture better.

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings

The surfaces that make up a room – the walls, the floor, and the ceiling – are sometimes overlooked when redecorating. People tend to enjoy changing the appearance of their interior walls by painting or wallpapering them, but floors and ceilings are usually neglected and left as is. Updating your floor and ceiling is a great place to start if you want to tie your space into a cohesive and elegant look. There are carpets in Dulwich that are designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and practical for real life, both qualities that add up to elegance. For your ceiling, consider having subtle coving or moulding added to create a sense of gradual depth and traditional detail.


How well you are able to light a room doesn’t depend on how bright you can make it at any one time. It means having a range of light sources that serve individual purposes as well as combining to create a pleasing atmosphere in a room. For example, in your living room, you might have a standing lamp near the sofa and a desk lamp on a sideboard at the adjacent wall. How you position these differently sized lamps in the space will dictate the mood and level of elegance you can achieve. Generally speaking, a single source of light coming from the ceiling doesn’t tend to be attractive or elegant. Smaller, varied sources of light are much more preferable when creating visual interest in a room.

Redecorating parts of your home can be simultaneously thrilling and nerve-wracking. Your design choices cost money and are time-intensive to reverse, meaning that it’s important to be certain when you commit to a paint colour or flooring type. Whenever possible, collect samples to position in the space to see firsthand how the room’s light and shape interact with your potential tones and textures. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your own interior design style; just take your time and enjoy the process.